At Mis Balinesas we partner with the best ethical factories and we source only the finest materials. We are not big on trends. But we are big on colour, energy, quality and honesty. We want you to carry our bags for years and decades to come, and we want you to always come back to us with any feedback you have.

We don’t want to be another handbag brand in your wardrobe. We want to be your closest brand. We want to share everything we do directly with you, and build a close relationship with you: brand-consumer.


We believe in a direct-to consumer approach. We want to make things easy, simple and honest. From our sourcing to our price.


We believe that luxury is in the quality, the details and the story behind. And we believe that doing things right, it is possible to make this luxury attainable, which is why we don’t work with intermediaries and instead we sell our handbags directly to you without the traditional retail mark up.